Pratik Mota

Software Developer

Technical Writer


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Pratik Mota

Software Developer

Technical Writer


Startup Enthusiast

Blog Post

What is auto keyword in C++ 11 ?

December 12, 2021 C++
What is auto keyword in C++ 11 ?

Using auto specified we can declare any variable without specifying it’s data type. Variable will automatically determine it’s data type using value assign to variable.

  auto Int_Var = 1;
  auto Char_Var = 'P';
  auto Str_Var = "Hello";
  cout<< Int_Var <<endl;  // Output Integer value: 1
  cout<< Char_Var <<endl; // Output Character value: P
  cout<< Str_Var <<endl;  // Output String value: Hello

We can also store Lambda function inside auto variable.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

auto AddFunc = [](int a, int b)
    return (a + b);

int main()
  cout << AddFunc(1,2) << endl;  // output : 3
  return 0;

Main advantage of auto comes with types that are long to write.

using namespace std;
int main()
 map<int,string> MapObj;

 //map<int,string>::iterator it = MapObj.begin();
 auto it = MapObj.begin(); // benefit or auto
 while(it != MapObj.end()){
  return 0;

Once we have initialized the auto variable then you can change the value but you cannot change the type.

  auto MyVar = 10;
  MyVar = 20;
  MyVar = "HELLO";
  //error: invalid conversion from ‘const char*’ to ‘int’

auto cannot be left uninitialized. We must initialize it with value.

  auto MyVar;
  //error: declaration of ‘auto MyVar’ has no initializer

In C++11, you can now put the return value at the end of the function declaration, substituting auto for the name of the return type.

auto Add(int a, int b) -> int
    return (a+b);

int main()
  auto MyVar = Add(1,2);
  cout<<MyVar<<endl; // Output: 3
  return 0;

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